And here we go…
Last main session, the party split as half the players couldn’t make it, so we had one light session for those who were here and scheduled another for the other group.
The first split session was…interesting ;) What I had intended as a pretty straightforward challenge - encountering a mostly-empty bandit camp the players had been wondering about for a bit - but it stretched out a lot as the players tried to be cagey. They’d had no problem dealing with double the number of enemies before and could have been a little cagey to be sure, but…
The second split session went very off the rails in a fun way; they, too, were cagey but were just about to strike when the paladin decided to spring the surprise by reading from a book of heresies he had randomly picked up in the very first session. They had found another largely-empty bandit camp, this time with an altar. So…
I had him roll percentile.
The roll was good enough for me.
He read another passage or two throughout the combat. There will be echoes :)
Both encounters wound up with an NPC or two escaping, so that’s good. We’ll see where things go :)