I don’t know how many times I’ve started a blog or a website to document projects, but here goes another.

This time, I’m putting some effort into making it technically interesting (for me), leveraging some skills I’d like to improve, and using some tools I’d like to learn more about.

One of the things I want to be better about is documenting my bass-playing journey. More to make sure I am practicing regularly but also to capture some of the things I come up with, sounds I want to recreate, phrases that work well but not necessarily for what I’m currently playing, etc.

I also want to make sure I’m recording my beer brewing and coffee roasting more than I have been (which is all but not at all). Cooking, too…

Maybe also have a place for some deliberate long-form writing. I’m not sure that that’s of as much interest to others, but if it’s nothing more than a journal and essays for myself, that’s fine.

Finally, I want to document some of the technical projects I’m working on professionally and personally, in and out of the SCA. I’ve been working on a few things that I think are interesting and I want to make sure I’m capturing the process and the results.

I’ll document the technical side of this in tech and see if I can be diligent about updating something daily.